The following is a list of abbreviations used throughout this exhibit:
ABM: Anti-Ballistic Missile
AC&W: Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron
ADCOM: Aerospace Defense Command
ACQR: Acquisition Radar
ADI: Air Defense Initiative
AEW&C: Airborne Early Warning and Control
AFB: Air Force Base
ALCM: Air-Launched Cruise Missile
AMIS: The Aircraft Movement Information Section of the Department of Transportation (DOT)
AN/CPS: Army-Navy, Transportable Radar
AN/FPS: Army-Navy Fixed Radar, Detection/Range and Bearing
AN/TPS: Army-Navy, Tactical Transportable Radar
ARC: Area of Radar Coverage
ARVN: Army of the Republic of Vietnam
AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System
ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare
BMEWS: Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
BND: Bundesnachrichtendienst, West German Intelligence
CFB: Canadian Forces Base
CFHQ: Canadian Forces Headquarters
CINCNORAD: Commander in Chief, NORAD
COMECON: Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CONAC: Continental Air Command
CONAD: Continental Air Defense Command
CONUS: Continental United States
DEW Line: Distant Early Warning Line
DCINCNORAD: Deputy Commander in Chief, NORAD
DOT: Department of Transportation
DRB: Defence Research Board of Canada
DREO: Defence Research Establishment Ottawa
ECCM: Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
ECM: Electronic Countermeasures
ELINT: Electronic Intelligence
EWU: Electronic Warfare Unit
FFS: Full Flight Simulator
FtrCOp: Fighter Control Operator
GCA: Ground Controlled Approach Unit
GCI: Ground Control Interception
G-I-UK: Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom Line
GobC: Ground Observer Corps
HIPAR: High Power Acquisition Radar
ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
IFF: Identification Friend or Foe
JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff
JSS: Joint Surveillance System
JUSCADS: Joint US-Canada Air Defence Study
LOPAR: Low-Power Acquisition Radar
MCL: Mid-Canada Line
MOT: Ministry of Transportation
MTR: Missile-Tracking Radar
NAADM: North American Air Defence Modernization Agreement
NADGE: NATO Air Defence Ground Environment
NASARR: North American Search and Ranging Radar
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NIMWACS: Nimrod, Airborne-Early Warning
NLF: National Liberation Front
NORAD: North American Air Defense Command/ North American Aerospace Defense Command (post-1981)
NRC: National Research Council
NSC 68: National Security Paper Number 68
NWS: North Warning System
OTH: Over-the-Horizon radar
PARCS: Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization
PPI: Plan Position Indicator
R&CS: Radar and Communications School
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging
RAF: Royal Air Force
RAPCON: Radar Approach Control
RCAF: Royal Canadian Air Force
RDF: Radio Direction Finding
REP: Radar Extension Program
RIP: Radar Improvement Program
ROCC: Region Control Centre
SALT: The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile
SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars”
SLBM: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles
SOSUS: Sound Surveillance System
SPADATS: Space Detection and Tracking System
TT: Texas Tower
TTR: Target-Tracking Radar
UHF: Ultra High Frequency
UKADGE: United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment
UN: United Nations
USAF: United States Air Force
USSPACECOM: United States Space Command
USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VHF: Very High Frequency